Los 2991
Nikephoros, magistros and domestikos of the scholai, 10th-early 11th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 11.79 g, 12 h). [ΘKЄ R,Θ, TⲰ] CⲰ Δ... - MHP - ΘV The Mother of God “Hodegetria”, nimbate, wearing chiton and maphorion, pointing with her right hand towards Infant Christ seated on her left arm. Rev. +NIKH/ΦOP, MAΓ[IC]/TPⲰ KAI [ΔO]/MЄCTI[KⲰ] / TⲰN C[XO]/ΛⲰ[N] in six lines, decorations above and flanking the last line. Jordanov, Corpus III 997-999. Zacos II 863. Some striking weakness, otherwise, good very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The Scholai were the most senior of the elite regiments (tagmata) of the Byzantine army, composed of professional soldiers. Their commander held the title of domestikos. During the 10th century, the domestikos of the Scholai (or Schools) rose in prominence, and in the emperor’s absence, he commanded the entire army.
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